San Diego 279

Days are feeling long and exhausting; it’s not always that I feel this way. I feel as though I'm on a hamster wheel, running in place. I have a never-ending supply of motivation and gratification to keep going, but at what cost? In my early 20s, I envisioned a much different outcome than what I've received. It's all about our perspective and how we choose to see the world, whether it’s the past, present, or future. Some days, my perspective isn’t all that positive, and I don't wish to change it. It's important for me to be aware that the way I choose to see things at the moment is ultimately my doing. I'm lying in bed, thinking of the future, which, for some reason, turns into thinking of my past. I think of how my past actions have affected my present but also my future to come. A lot of this pondering on the past, present, and future has come from my recent meetings. I don't know if it’s coincidence meeting three different types of women at different stages in their lives. I said it could be a sign from the universe, but a friend told me it doesn’t always have to be from the universe, and we can make a lesson out of anything. I choose to think of it that way. It might all be a coincidence, a matter of time and place, maybe with no real lesson, but I can always seek out something to learn from meeting them, from anyone, really.


Sauna thoughts.


Shoulder update.