San Diego 275

I've been in an odd head space the past few days so that resulted in no writing well at least blogging. Recent events have occurred that most likely only matter to me but regardless I’ll share. My longest bike ride to date happened which clocked in at 61 miles and +4300 feet of elevation gain and it was a sure test of fitness and mental will. I can’t wait for another. At around mile 55, my legs had completely given out which was the result of poor planning and zero fuel left. I ate all of my snacks and drank my water, to be honest, it was kind of scary. My legs were quivering coming in and out of nasty cramps. I took a seat on the curb and relaxed for almost 10 minutes before realizing I had to head out and get back to my van. I had a haircut appointment immediately after that ride that was giving me mini panic attacks because I hate being late to things. I rode the next 6 miles slow with some short bursts of energy willing myself back. Eventually, the little biker who could well he did made it back to his van and safely to his haircut appointment. That little biker was me.

On another note, it’s New Year's eve. I've had a lot of time to reflect on this year, which we should all do. Looking back on the laughs, tears, and smiles I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Lots of lessons were learned and memories made. Lots of happy days and some sad days which I'm grateful for. I'll make a designated blog post for New Year's.




San Diego 274