washington 104
Its hard to keep in mind that for every individual each one is different. Its simple in a literal sense. We all look different, we all have different morning routines, we all love differently, and we all take pain differently. Ive met most likely more than a hundred people roughly in the past year. I probably will continue some sort of line of communication yearly with id say low 20s and ill really stay in touch often with less than 4. Everybody ive met has made some impression on me and vice versa they all know a version of me that the next dont. One factor out of all this has always stood out to me and ive honed in on it pretty manically. The way everyone i meet reacts to situations differently whether it be in public or private to watch and especially get affected by someones reaction and the steps the steps/actions we take due to the nature of our reactions.
Now we question, how do the reactions of certain situations we run into affect us but even more the people around us?